Sunday, 26 November 2017
Sunday, 19 November 2017
One Week Offline
On Sunday 5th November at 6:30am after 30 minutes of sleep all night; I decided I'd had enough. I was fed up with life, fed up with being on my phone all the time and fed up with being fed up. So I took a break. I uninstalled all social media apps from my phone - apart from Pinterest as I can never remember my log in - and took up daily journaling instead.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
The Scariest Halloween
Halloween has never really scared me. I never really slept very well on the night because of the whole 'gateway for spirits' etc. being open (yes, I totally believed that) but I never actually had a scary Halloween. Until 2014 and I went clubbing for the first time on All Hallows Eve. The night itself was actually kinda boring, it was on my way home that the problems started. I walked home from the club with a friends boyfriend but his house was before mine, and he couldn't really be bothered to walk up to mine and then back again, so I said I was happy to walk the ten minutes alone. Big mistake.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Friday, 27 October 2017
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
A Busy Day
What's this? A blogtober post that's actually been written and published ON THE DAY?! I've usually been at least one day ahead of myself but I've had a busy few days so I'm a bit behind, oops. I don't really have anything in particular to blog about so I thought I'd just open up blogger and see what rubbish I spouted. Yep, so far it's total rubbish.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Peanut Butter Brownies
After Twitters meltdown over the Great British Bake Off episode 8 results, I decided to finally start watching it. I agree, the judges were wrong wrong wrong and I'm just as upset as the rest of you. But I digress. I used to love baking when I was younger, and watching GBBO has fired up my passion for it again, so Mum bought me some ingredients and I got baking.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Improving My Lifestyle
Lately I'm all about self improvement, and after reading this post by Sophie, I became inspired to actually write a physical list of how I need to improve myself/my life.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Bringing The Magic Back Into My Life
A few years ago I started learning about Wicca. I began blogging as a Wiccan and planned to blog about my practise but eventually, Wicca fizzled out of my life and I even took off my pentacle. I was looking at my witchy book collection recently and it got me thinking. I would really like to start practising again.
Saturday, 21 October 2017
Friday, 20 October 2017
Thursday, 19 October 2017
My Piercing & Tattoo Wishlist
I'm a huge fan of piercings and tattoos, it's amazing how much confidence they can bring you. Also, who doesn't enjoy being repeatedly stabbed with a needle? I already have a few piercings and tattoos but I absolutely am not done decorating myself. I currently have four piercings; lobes and upper lobes on both ears, and a helix piercing on my left ear, and my septum. I also had a vertical labret a few years ago but it didn't last very long.
As for tattoos I have three; one of which I hate and deeply regret. My first tattoo was a scorpion on my neck which I still absolutely adore. Then last September, to celebrate leaving my job, I got two thumb tattoos; a crescent moon and a pentacle. Both of which were done really poorly and ended up being the worst £30 I've ever spent. Although the moon is better than the pentacle.
I don't know why but I only want piercings in my left ear rather than both or just my right. I really want either a triple forward helix, or just a central forward helix, and use a 'cluster' stud. I have pretty small ears so the cluster stud is more likely. I also kinda want to make my helix into a triple helix and change the studs for rings.
I'm really tempted by my tragus too, I've wanted that for almost as long as I've had my helix.
I'm somewhat tempted to stretch my left lobe but it's a bit of a bad idea, as it won't be long before C will get grabby! Also lots of retail places are still really against stretched ears, so it might make future jobs even harder for me to get. I also really want a nostril piercing but I can't decide which side of my nose to have it! Probably my left but I honestly don't know.
I'm hoping that I'll get gift vouchers (or money) for my piercing studio for my birthday or Christmas, and then I'll have to decide which I want first!
I'm hoping that I'll get gift vouchers (or money) for my piercing studio for my birthday or Christmas, and then I'll have to decide which I want first!
In January I'm planning to get a hedgehog in a floral wreath on my left arm. This will be to remember my Dad by, as Mum had given him the nickname 'Hedgehog' and he loved gardening. It's either that or the Spurs logo and there's no way in hell I'm getting that! I also like the idea of having a dotwork forest scene on my upper right arm, but I'm torn between having it black and grey or colour.
I really want to get my thumbs redone. Although I'm torn between getting the pentacle covered or improved somehow. But that's a conversation I need to have with a tattooist. I definitely want to get something to represent Charlie but I don't have a clue what yet. I did consider an elephant but he might not even like elephants when he's older. Although I have seen some 'Mum with Baby' tattoos that I like the idea of!
I'm also considering covering my legs and possibly having a sternum tattoo one day but those won't be for years yet so I haven't really got ideas for those.
What tattoos or piercings have you always wanted?
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
I'm Happier Single
I have only had two really serious relationships (both lasting two-three years) and as nice as it is to have someone to cuddle every night, I always prefer being single. Even though the initial break ups have always hurt like hell, I've always got through it a happier, more confident person. Although I would say that all my relationships - including the ones that lasted a matter of weeks - have all been toxic one way or another. I have been pressured into sex, I've been with a pathological liar, and two emotional abusers.
Monday, 16 October 2017
Sunday, 15 October 2017
10 Quotes To Live By
One thing I love, is a good quote. They inspire, motivate, and just generally make you feel good. Pinterest is my favourite place to find some fab quotes and naturally I have a board dedicated to them (who doesn't?) that I refer back to again and again when I'm feeling a bit low. I've decided to share ten of my favourites.
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Pros & Cons of Blogging
I have been blogging for about four years now. I started in college, when creating and updating a photography blog was a part of my module and I just fell in love with it. Although my tutor never did read any of our blogs so really, why was it a part of our module?! I'm glad it was though. I've learnt a lot in the past four years, and I don't know what I would do without my little space on the Internet now. Probably tweet excessively. Oh wait, I already do that! But I digress.
Friday, 13 October 2017
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Why I Became A Minimalist
My whole life I have been surrounded by stuff. It was never tidy stuff either, every inch of space in my bedroom was covered. I remember one day in particular when I was about seven or eight, and my auntie came round. She had a peep in my bedroom and was horrified to find that my bedroom floor was literally covered in toys. I started tidying up pretty quickly.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Journaling and Counselling
Recently I read a post by Jemma where she'd started daily journaling. I used to enjoy writing a daily diary at school and thanks to her; decided to pick it up again. Although I didn't actually start until after my counselling session.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
15 Zombie-free Halloween Costume Ideas
I love Halloween and it's the only time I actually enjoy having to wear fancy dress.What I don't like, however, is zombies. So I've come up with 15 zombie-free costume ideas for Halloween this year. They don't neccessasarily have to be "sexy" either, despite what every fancy dress shop ever tries to tell us. Although you can be sexy for Halloween if you want, you do you!
Monday, 9 October 2017
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Saturday, 7 October 2017
The Seven Deadly Sins & I
Earlier in the year I had to help my niece with her R.E homework and we wrote about the Seven Deadly Sins. I have kind of been a little bit fascinated with them since and thought it would be fun to see how they relate to me and how much they play a role in my life.
Friday, 6 October 2017
Thursday, 5 October 2017
The 101 Items Declutter Week
Pinterest is my favourite place to find inspiration and motivation to declutter. This time it was this article about a 101 item decluttering week. I instantly felt the need to declutter again and worked out I needed to get rid of a minimum of 14 items per day over the course of 7 days (yes, I know that only makes 98, shush). It was a bit daunting but I got stuck in.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Sunday, 1 October 2017
Hello October
Wow, October already huh? That has gone crazy fast; my baby boy is almost 3 months old already! Plus, I'm turning 22 at the end of the month. Feels like only yesterday I was celebrating my 21st. I haven't kicked off the month with some goals for an extremely long time (partly because I suck, partly because I didn't think I'd have time with Charlie) but I decided to go for it this month. October is my month after all!
Friday, 29 September 2017
Managing the Mum-Tum
Throughout the years I've been underweight, overweight and everything in between. A size 6 right up to a size 16. I'm generally at my happiest between size 8-12 and after pregnancy I'm currently sitting at a size 10-12. Which would be fine if most of my clothes were that size. They are not and I can't really afford to buy new clothes to accommodate. Although thankfully now it's getting colder, most of my tops are oversized anyway so that's not really going to be too much of an issue for the rest of the year. It is however, time to lose the baby weight.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Monday, 18 September 2017
nspa Your Special Time - First Impressions
During pregnancy it's recommended that you get yourself some "specially formulated" products to keep you looking and feeling fab - any excuse for a pamper, right? There's tons of choices out there and after a lot of umming and ahhing I finally decided on the nspa Mum-to-be gift pack. Mostly because it seemed to be the most cost-effective option.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Friday, 8 September 2017
Self Employment: 1 Year On
If you don't know then you may be surprised to hear that I quit my job last September to work for myself. I worked in retail for one year and four months, and hated every minute of it. It probably didn't help that it was my first ever job, I suffer with anxiety, and I felt pressured - rather than ready - to get a job. Plus, it was a very large store and a very well known company.
Monday, 4 September 2017
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Friday, 25 August 2017
The Liebster Award
Blimey it's been a long time since I've seen this going around! The Liebster Award is dedicated to supporting new, growing bloggers. Or, you know, ones that have been around for a few years but had to create a new blog *cough* me *cough*. I was nominated by the lovely Jess a.k.a Queen Sapphire. Thanks Jess!
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Friday, 18 August 2017
Monday, 14 August 2017
The 10 Day De-Clutter-a-Thon
I was scrolling through Pinterest when I discovered a blog post about a 15-30 minute de-cluttering process someone was working on. I had already started doing a '10 minute tidy-up' every day by the time I found this so I thought this would be a great way to re-motivate me to get rid of some more things too! As I said in my last update, I wasn't sure what method I would use next, as I was struggling with the full 30 days of the minimalism game, so just 10 days seemed ideal!
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Friday, 11 August 2017
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I'm Saph, a 29 year old UK lifestyle blogger, Mum and dreamer. Contact me at:
- Being More 'Me' (23)
- Lifestyle (174)
- My Minimalism Journey (44)
- Saph's Reading Nook (33)
- Wicca (22)
Blog Archive
- The Scariest Halloween
- How I've Changed Since Becoming A Mum
- 22 Lessons by 22
- Charlies 3 Month Update
- Friday Favourites | #2
- A Busy Day
- Peanut Butter Brownies
- Improving My Lifestyle
- Bringing The Magic Back Into My Life
- Questioning Myself
- Friday Favourites
- My Piercing & Tattoo Wishlist
- Minimising My Wardrobe
- I'm Happier Single
- The Importance of Social Media Detoxes
- 10 Quotes To Live By
- Pros & Cons of Blogging
- The Halloween Tag
- Why I Became A Minimalist
- Journaling and Counselling
- 15 Zombie-free Halloween Costume Ideas
- 50 Questions You've Never Been Asked Tag
- My Bullet Journal Layout | July-October
- The Seven Deadly Sins & I
- 5 Blogs To Binge Read
- The 101 Items Declutter Week
- My Birthday Wishlist
- 2017 Blog Goals | Update
- Hello October
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