Friday, 6 January 2023

How to Complete the Perfect Bathroom Makeover on a Budget

Home improvements are an excellent way to make your property a more pleasant place to live. Working on creating the perfect home for you and your family can be a labour of love. There is no doubt transforming a property to match your tastes and needs is no easy task. However, despite all the hard work, the result of all of your efforts is guaranteed to be worth the time, money, and energy you ploughed into making them happen.

Monday, 2 January 2023

January Goals 2023

I've sorted my goals for the year, now it's time to plan my goals for January!

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Goals for 2023

Happy New Year! 2023 is upon us and this year I'm determined to make something of it. I'm attempting SMART goals this year! Normally I just make some goals and maybe I complete it, maybe I don't. This time I've actually made myself a plan to achieve those goals by the end of the year!