Friday, 30 April 2021

May Goals 2021

I'm sure I say this every month but April absolutely flew by! I had two birthdays to celebrate this month - my mums and my nephews - and they totally snuck up on me! Thankfully I was more prepared for my mums but good old Amazon came to my rescue for my nephews. Although I was totally devastated that I couldn't celebrate with them, especially as it was my nephews first birthday.

Monday, 26 April 2021

Clever Fox Budget Planner

My lovely friend Gracie kindly gifted me the Clever Fox Budget Planner from my Amazon wishlist! I couldn't believe it when it arrived, I so wasn't expecting it! I've been trying to sort out my finances for a while now, and trying to become minimalist and live sustainably/frugally. Not easy when you've got a tiny income and a child you want to spoil!

Friday, 23 April 2021

Diary Entry #16

The Easter break was so brilliant for us! I bought a load of goodies from ASDA for us to do together. 

Monday, 12 April 2021

The Six Body Shop Products Keeping My Hair Healthy Over Lockdown

My last hair cut was in February 2020, a month before the salons closed. I had very much grown accustomed to having an A-line bob so it genuinely sucked when I realised it was going to be quite a long time before I was going to get a hair cut again. So, I had no choice but to grow out my hair.

Monday, 5 April 2021

Scavenger Hunt Ideas for School Holidays

I'm planning on doing a few different scavenger hunts with Charlie this easter break! I've listed three types of hunts I have come up with; Indoor, Outdoors and Rainbow!

Friday, 2 April 2021

April Goals

March has been a really good month! I have reconnected with people, I have kept up with exercise and I'm feeling happier and healthier. Honestly, that's probably the only goal I have kept up with for March but I'm fine with that. I couldn't really think of many goals for April, so I'm starting with two and seeing where I end up!