Monday, 29 November 2021

December Goals

December is just two days away and then I can finally rejoice in the Christmas spirit, let's get the tree up, Christmas songs on and wear Christmas jumpers all month long, let's go!!

Monday, 22 November 2021

House-Sitting | Pros & Cons

If you read my 25th diary entry, you'll know that I've just spent the last week house/pet-sitting for my sister in law. Honestly, I really enjoyed it and it was a lovely way to break up my normal routine! But, as with anything, there are some pros and cons to it...

Friday, 19 November 2021

Diary Entry #26 | Deck the Halls

 I am actually feeling really festive this year?! Over the last five years, since my Dad passed away. I've really struggled to feel excited for Christmas. However, something has flipped the Christmas lights on inside me and I'm genuinely excited for the festive season.

Friday, 12 November 2021

Diary Entry #25 | A Tough Week

Well. I have had a terrible week. Tuesday, I was fired from the nursery, with just a month of my contract left to go. I was absolutely devastated and embarrassed. I've never been fired before and had no idea it was coming so it hit me really hard. I went home, cried for hours and started looking for a new job.

Friday, 5 November 2021

30 Day Minimalism Challenge

I have been decluttering every month or so since I was about three months pregnant four years ago but my spending habits mean I still have accumulated a whole load of stuff over the years. I am completely fed up with there always being things everywhere to tidy up and put away, so I am putting myself on a 30 day Minimalism challenge this month.