Friday 31 January 2020

January Recap & February Goals

January is finally over! I swear it lasted an eternity (why is January always the longest month?!) But the first month of 2020 is complete. It's been a pretty good start to the year for me. Josh and I have been on lots of adventures, including mine and Charlie's first trip to a trampoline park - which Charlie loved - and, just last weekend we all went to Howletts together.
I also made a good start on my years goals, and haven't done too badly on changing some of my worst habits.

Monday 13 January 2020

Kearsney Abbey | Photo Diary

Another child-free Sunday, another walk! Josh and I decided to invest in some hiking boots (which we picked up on eBay) and headed over to Temple Ewell to test them out. Kearsney Abbey is one of my favourite places, and I would go there often growing up. 

Friday 10 January 2020

Habits I Want To Change in 2020

I honestly have some terrible habits. I put everything off, I drink tea and spend money like it's going out of fashion, and spend most of my days (and nights) on my phone. I have been making some changes over the last few months already, but it never hurts to write a list.

Monday 6 January 2020

Date Ideas for All Budgets

Josh and I live for our dates. There's nothing better than having a day or night free from Charlie, to reconnect, chill out or just enjoy each others company. Some times we don't even wait until we're without Charlie, as soon as he's in bed we're straight on to doing something fun! We have loads of different ways to date, some cost more than others, and some cost nothing! I thought I'd share our favourite ideas.

Friday 3 January 2020

20 Books for 2020

Another year, another reading goal! I decided to take my goal down to 20 this year, as it seems rather fitting. I'm hoping to read more but sometimes reality gets in the way, so I think 20 is a pretty reasonable goal. Here's what I'm planning to read over the next 12 months: 

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Goals for 2020

Hello, 2020! Goodness me, the years really are just flying by now aren't they? I had more goals than I could manage last year, so in 2020 I really want to dial it down a bit. But not too much!