Monday, 29 March 2021

Easter Break Activities

It's officially Easter break! Charlie is now off nursery for near-enough two weeks so to stop us both going totally crazy, I have come up with a list of activities for us to do!

Friday, 26 March 2021

Diary Entry #15 | Workout Plan Update

I didn't really expect to be writing this post already but it has now been nearly two weeks since I started my new workout plan! I haven't kept to it perfectly but I'm definitely exercising much more consistently than I have in the past. It's all still hard, the yoga especially kills me, but I'm able to walk further and at a faster pace these days!

Friday, 19 March 2021

Diary Entry #14 | A Secret Engagement

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll probably have seen my big news - I'm engaged! Funny story, I actually proposed to Josh last November, but we decided to just tell our immediate family members and closest friends. It was very tempting to not tell anyone else until it was time to send out Save The Dates - but it's looking to be a long engagement! There was no way I could keep my ring hidden for that long.

Monday, 15 March 2021

March Workout Plan

It's time to bring back the Saph Gets Fit posts! I am so determined not to give up this time. I have given up and restarted this journey too many times now! I have created a Fitness/Weight Loss WhatsApp group chat and it's really helping to keep up the motivation this time. I have also started keeping a workout/eating habits journal and created myself a workout routine for March, but since have had to rethink it.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Blogger Recognition Award

A huge thank you to Suchita at SuchitaSenthilKumar for nominating me in the Blogger Recognition Award! 

Monday, 8 March 2021

My Bullet Journal Tour

I decided to stop bullet journaling last year, and used a standard one-page-per-day diary I picked up for a quid in the Card Factory! Halfway through the year, however, I decided I missed the bujo system and I really needed some extra pages!! So, for 2021 I decided to bring back my bullet journal.

Friday, 5 March 2021

What I Read in February

I didn't set out to read a whole lot during February but I'm proud of myself for reading a full four books over the first two weeks! I ended up getting into a bit of a reading slump, but I did start a fifth book.

Monday, 1 March 2021

February Spending Ban Haul

I loved January's Spending Ban Haul post and found it quite insightful! So I figured I could make this a monthly thing until I get the hang of my spending ban properly...

In these posts I will only be talking about the items I bought, that weren't essential!
Previously, I had also included buying food and drink from the corner shop as "Can Spend/Buy" but then I realised I had spent £40 on utter crap within two weeks. So that shimmied over to the Can't Buy list (as of February 12th) especially once I got serious about losing weight!

So, let's see what I didn't need to buy this month...