Friday, 29 September 2017

Managing the Mum-Tum

Throughout the years I've been underweight, overweight and everything in between. A size 6 right up to a size 16. I'm generally at my happiest between size 8-12 and after pregnancy I'm currently sitting at a size 10-12. Which would be fine if most of my clothes were that size. They are not and I can't really afford to buy new clothes to accommodate. Although thankfully now it's getting colder, most of my tops are oversized anyway so that's not really going to be too much of an issue for the rest of the year. It is however, time to lose the baby weight.

Friday, 22 September 2017

My Minimalistic Bedroom Goals

I think we've all gathered by now that I own way too much stuff. But I want to make it clear just how much I own, and what I plan to do about it.

Monday, 18 September 2017

nspa Your Special Time - First Impressions

During pregnancy it's recommended that you get yourself some "specially formulated" products to keep you looking and feeling fab - any excuse for a pamper, right? There's tons of choices out there and after a lot of umming and ahhing I finally decided on the nspa Mum-to-be gift pack. Mostly because it seemed to be the most cost-effective option.

Friday, 15 September 2017

My Blogging Essentials

I have been blogging for about four years now and finally decided it was time to talk about my essentials. Especially as they have changed over the years and I do things a little differently now. 

Friday, 8 September 2017

Self Employment: 1 Year On

If you don't know then you may be surprised to hear that I quit my job last September to work for myself. I worked in retail for one year and four months, and hated every minute of it. It probably didn't help that it was my first ever job, I suffer with anxiety, and I felt pressured - rather than ready - to get a job. Plus, it was a very large store and a very well known company. 

Monday, 4 September 2017

Pregnancy Brain Is Real

A lot of people doubt pregnancy brain. I think a small part of me doubted it as well. Until I got pregnant of course.