Tuesday 24 October 2017

Peanut Butter Brownies

After Twitters meltdown over the Great British Bake Off episode 8 results, I decided to finally start watching it. I agree, the judges were wrong wrong wrong and I'm just as upset as the rest of you. But I digress. I used to love baking when I was younger, and watching GBBO has fired up my passion for it again, so Mum bought me some ingredients and I got baking. 

I decided to take a risk and go for something I'd never baked before: peanut butter brownies. These are so easy to get wrong but I like a challenge these days. I chose this recipe and got stuck in. 

It was actually really easy to do, and lots of fun. In the end my brownies only cooked for 15 minutes, as our oven is a bit temperamental and tends to cook/burn things quickly. I also used smooth peanut butter rather than crunchy. I was so impatient waiting for them to cool, but luckily Charlie needed feeding as soon as they were out of the oven, so that distracted me for a bit. I thought they would have been ready by the time he was fed and burped but they were still a bit warm. I love warm brownies though; so I cut them anyway!
They tasted so good, with just the right amount of peanut butter. There's only one thing I would do differently next time though; use milk chocolate. I'm not really a fan of dark chocolate, so I think to enjoy them properly I will have to use milk. Not bad for my first attempt though! 

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