Friday, 27 October 2017

Friday Favourites | #2

This week I haven't actually been loving too much. I've actually had a pretty busy week and haven't had much time to be online etc. so for my second #FF it's a pretty short 'n' sweet post this time! 

Blog Posts 
Sophie Rose spoke about the changes in her life and how everything is temporary and it gave me a little boost and seemed to be the pep talk I didn't know I was looking for. 

Another inspiring post was this one about self improvement by another Sophie! It actually inspired me to write my own.


I don't think I even need to explain why I love Imii Mace's feed.

I've also been chatting on my insta-stories the last couple of days and I'm loving it. Still get nervous as hell every time and it takes me a million goes to be happy with what I'm saying but I'M DOING IT! I might get onto Youtube one day...

People in General 
Some lovely ladies out there are just generally 'feel-good' and I admire them for who they are as well as what they do. Some of my favourite ladies are:

Her makeup skills are something else and I love watching her apply make-up on her insta-stories, so envious of her skills. Also, that hair though. Plus I'm a sucker for a Scouse accent. 

BEE IS SUCH AN ANGEL! She's one of the loveliest people out there and so talented, I absolutely love her blog. Just go follow her already. 

My bestie, my confidante and the pun master. I don't know what I would do without this girl, I love her to bits. 

Currently Watching
I'm actually watching a whole bunch of different series lately, which usually I hate doing but it's a good excuse to chill out with Mum in the evenings. 
Great British Bake Off
Bad Move
The Good Place
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
I mentioned The Good Place in last weeks post but it's just so good and Ted Danson is great in it, 10/10 highly recommend.

What have you been loving this week?

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