Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Blogmas 2021 | Winging It

 Hellooo, everybody and welcome to December! It's Chriiiistmaaasss!

So, I have finally, at the very last minute, decided to join in with blogmas this year! I have been umm-ing and ahh-ing over it for the last couple of weeks but today I have bitten the bullet, and said I'm doing it. I haven't blogged every day for a long time, I didn't even join in with blogtober this year in the end. I am in absolutely no way shape or form prepared but I'm excited to give it a whirl!

I know some people only do 24 or 25 days of blogmas - or even 12 - but I think I'm going to attempt the full 31 days of December. It's a bit risky as I still don't know when I'll start my new job and I'll have less time to blog than I do right now but it's always fun to try. My content won't just be based around Christmas either, it'll be a big mix of things, just as my blog is normally, only every day.

Normally I'd like the first post of the month to be my monthly goals but I already shared those on Monday if you'd like to read - guess I best add "Complete Blogmas" to the list now! 

Who else is doing blogmas this year? Send me your link in the comments if you're joining in and let me know if you're fully prepped or winging it like me? Also don't forget to tag Blogger Nation in your blogmas promo tweets for a retweet!

Until tomorrow!
Saph x

1 yorum:

  1. That's a big undertaking! I did it on one of my blogs a couple of years ago and it was a lot of work, but also SO much fun. I can't wait to read through all of your Blogmas content. Good luck!
