Wednesday, 1 November 2023

November Goals

I really and truly can't believe it's November already! October absolutely flew by. It's officially time to start thinking about Christmas and I'm not ready. I really hoped to blog regularly during October, and even considered doing blogtober but I just blanked for posts. I'm a bit gutted but I didn't want to force it!

Monday, 30 October 2023

When Life Gives You Birthdays, Eat Cake

I am officially 28! It was my birthday yesterday (29th October.) Crazy to think I'm another year older. Josh very kindly paid for me to get pampered a couple days beforehand! I had my brows waxed/tidied, lashes lifted and tinted, and a manicure.

Friday, 27 October 2023

Pumpkin Picking '23 | Photo Diary

We picked the best day for pumpkin picking! We went quite late in the day, it was sunny and lovely and warm. As always, we went to the Pumpkin Moon farm in Rainham. They really stepped it up this year, with a graveyard, skeletons and photo ops! 

Monday, 2 October 2023

October Bucket List

October is literally the best month of the year - yes, better than Christmas. It's time for spooky movies, candles, and cuddling up under blankets. Oh, and we can't forget my birthday, then Halloween two days later! I fancied doing myself a bucket list for October, separate to my goals and a bit more fun!

Sunday, 1 October 2023

October Goals | September Recap

Well, September absolutely flew by didn't it? I've been thinking I had loads of time to work on myself this month but it's just gone. But who cares, the best month of the year is here! It's time for all of the spooky movies, Halloween and MY BIRTHDAY!

Friday, 22 September 2023

Hastings | Photo Diary

Friday was the last day of paid holiday fun and we had arranged to meet my Mum and stepdad in Hastings. Mum and Dave absolutely love Hastings and it only seemed right to have a day trip there with them!

Monday, 18 September 2023

Diggerland | Photo Diary

Day four was a trip to Diggerland! We were so excited for this trip as we figured it would be more suitable for Charlie than anything else we've done so far. 

Friday, 15 September 2023

Chessington World of Adventures | Photo Diary

Day two was a chilled day at home, shopping, cleaning, gaming etc. Day three was a day at Chessington World of Adventures! Once again, Josh's brother came with us but I won't include him in the photos. 

Monday, 11 September 2023

Leeds Castle | Photo Diary

Day one of annual leave meant finally taking a trip to Leeds Castle! It's only taken us four years to go...It was the most gorgeous, perfect day for it though! We also went with Josh's brother but for privacy, I haven't included him in any photos.

Monday, 4 September 2023

September Goals

Hello! It's been a hot minute since I posted again hasn't it? Oops. I did actually consider shutting down my blog completely but I think I'd miss it too much! So I thought I'd pop on today while I had a chance and give an update.

Monday, 7 August 2023

Pinky Creates Haul

Another day, another haul! Actually I don't think I've written a haul post for ages but I'm constantly buying. This time, I have added to my Pinky Creates Collection! I bought three pairs of earrings and I didn't even realise they're all the same colour theme but I absolutely love them.

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

August Goals & July Recap

I decided to only post once a week in July (apart from that one time I posted twice in one day) instead of aiming for twice and I have to say, it has completely made a difference! It's been so much less pressure, knowing I have more time to prepare blog posts. I'm not the type of blogger where I have articles prepared months in advance, I'm a much more casual blogger than that. Which is 100% the reason why sometimes I only blog twice in a month, I just don't have the content. So taking the time and taking the pressure off has helped massively and I've actually been able to produce more content than usual last month. I really fell in love with blogging again.

Friday, 14 July 2023

Being More 'Me' | My Big Realisation

When I first started writing this post, it was going in a completely different direction. I felt like I was going through a type of crisis. I felt like a fraud writing these Being More 'Me' posts because I didn't know who I was, at all. Although, at the same time, that was kind of the point of these posts, to record the journey of figuring out who I am. Well, I'm pleased to say I do know who I am now.

Being More 'Me' | Part 12

Have you noticed that most of my Being More "Me" posts have been about my hair so far? I don't know why, but apparently my hair is a big part of my identity. Probably because I've struggled with it one way or another my whole life! From bad home haircuts as a kid to constantly being told to straighten my curls as a teen by friends.

Friday, 7 July 2023

My Pinky Creates Earring Collection

I love collecting things. I used to collect pin badges, but this year I'm all about funky earrings! I can't remember when exactly I discovered Pinky Creates but I believe it was someone doing a Pin for Pin retweeting sesh on twitter. I immediately loved the products but it was a few months before I made an order.

Friday, 30 June 2023

June Recap & July Goals

I actually think June was such a lovely month! Definitely been at my happiest so far this year. I celebrated three birthdays, I've seen my family more than usual, I've started loosing a significant amount of weight and taking care of myself more. Josh and I are stronger and more loved up than ever. I also got my Steve tattoo which I'm absolutely thrilled with! He needs a top up at some point which I can get done for free within 6 months, so I need to not forget!

Friday, 23 June 2023

2 Weeks at Slimming World

I never thought I would say the words but yup, I joined Slimming World. Josh and our sister-in-law finally convinced me to go. I was very apprehensive about it and nervous to go to a meeting for the first time but our consultant put me at ease immediately. I had such a laugh at the group.

Monday, 5 June 2023

Meet Percy & Joey

That's right, we got two new kittens which now puts the pet total at 4. Oops. I didn't really want to get anymore pets after Gene, my guinea pig, but after Steve died, Josh really wanted another one to help him with his loss. I wasn't too keen as I didn't think Willow would be too happy with another cat. But, a few weeks down the line and I had completely fallen in love with a little ginger baby.

Friday, 2 June 2023

June Goals & May Recap

Well, what can I say about May.  A couple of weeks ago, I was sofa-bound for a few days because I was bitten by a mosquito, and I'm very allergic to them. Unfortunately, the bugger bit my ankle. I swelled up so much that walking was so painful, I literally had no choice but to lay down all day. It was a nice break, but also frustrating!

We also had our first family barbecue last weekend! It was so lovely to have (almost) everyone round, and the food was amazing.

Monday, 1 May 2023

Weight Loss Goals for May

I haven't really blogged about this yet, but Josh and I are working on the possibility of freezing my eggs so we can have a baby in the future. If you don't know why, this post explains it all. Now, I don't know why exactly but the gynaecologist in charge of it all, wants me to get my BMI down to 30 or less. I've calculated that I need to lose roughly 2 stone to achieve that. Yay.

Friday, 28 April 2023

What We Need on Our Side to Overcome Life's Challenges

We can feel that in life, we need to avoid challenge or conflict as much as possible. It's easy to see why because we can all feel like we need to preserve our sense of self as we've got too much to do and not enough time to do it in. But the reality is that challenges are a major part of life, we just need to have the tools to overcome them. What are the things we need on our side?

May Goals & April Recap

April was a bit of a flop for goals if I'm honest. I didn't go swimming, I didn't earn any extra money (well, I kind of did) and I didn't get a tattoo or booked into the salon. It's just been that kind of month.

Friday, 7 April 2023

MyProtein Review

It's been just over a month now since I shared my MyProtein Haul. I promised a review so here it is. Although it's more of a first impressions to be honest.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

5 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Decorating

Whether you’re redecorating your bathroom, living room, or kids' room, things can get stressful much sooner than you expect. Indeed, many an argument has occurred debating which shade of blue is best or how to successfully attach the skirting boards without ruining the carpets. However, decorating is supposed to be fun, so how can you take the stress out of decorating your home? Consider these five tips for some inspiration. 

Monday, 3 April 2023

April TBR

It's been over a month since I last picked up a book! I should really cancel my Kindle membership while I'm not reading or only reading physical books. This month, I'm only aiming to read two books, as I'm still binge watching Greys Anatomy.

Saturday, 1 April 2023

The £5 a Day Side Hustle Challenge | from The Fun Money Club

I'm a huge fan of Neesha, from The Fun Money Club, who has been doing a £5 a day side hustle challenge since January and has saved herself a huge £800 in that time! I'm always after more ways to get money without working myself to the bone, so I thought I'd follow her tips and give it a try this April.

4 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Do you feel as though your home is not quite as energy efficient as it could be? If this is the case then you could be draining your finances more than you think. One way for you to work around this would be for you to implement the following changes so you can make a positive difference to your bills today.

Friday, 31 March 2023

April Goals

Well, I didn't really achieve any of my goals this month. Well, technically I did "attempt" to build a proper routine and I did attempt to stick to it...but other than that, March was a bit of a flop. Last week, our beautiful cat Steve was hit by a car and died so we've been a state of grief, guilt and despair. We're completely heartbroken but Josh planted a beautiful rose bush on top of where he buried him.

Friday, 3 March 2023

MyProtein Haul

I'm taking my health/weight loss journey so seriously this year, and to help me along I decided to buy the weight loss bundle from MyProtein. I originally went on the app to look for some new workout leggings and to buy more Impact Diet Whey shake powder. But me being me, I just had to look at the whole site, didn't I?

Monday, 27 February 2023

February Recap & March Goals

February is coming to an end! It's been a funny old month. All three of us spent a good chunk of it poorly, and needed antibiotics! None of us had been on antibiotics before, then we all got some in the same week. We had some bad news within the family, which we've all been dealing with in our own way. We also had a birthday party to go to, which was lovely and Charlie had a brilliant time. I dyed my hair brown again, after spending ages trying to get a decent blonde. Anyway, time for some goals! 

Monday, 20 February 2023

Revamping My 5 Year Olds Room

I did it! I revamped Charlie's bedroom while he was away and I'm absolutely thrilled with the results. I ended up spending £260 to do it, which I'm a little bit gutted about as I could have done without the big spends! But, it needed doing.

Monday, 13 February 2023

The Body Shop Jamaican Black Castor Oil Hair Care Review

Late last year, I treated myself to the brand new hair care range for curly girls from The Body Shop. I've spent the last few months giving it a try and now it's review time!

Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you buy a product using the links, at no extra cost to you. 

Monday, 6 February 2023

Romance Novels Charity Shop Haul

Josh and I went to our local Cancer Research charity shop recently, and I had a browse through the books. I didn't actually intend on buying anything, as I subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, already have a decent amount of books and haven't actually read a book since early December. But you know, sh*t happens! 

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

January Recap & February Goals

January has been a hell of a month. It started off pretty well, I was doing well with my habits and getting a good amount of exercise in. Then it all went south. I can't remember what came first; my depressive episode or my illness. I'm pretty sure it was depression. Then I got hit with the worst tonsillitis I've ever had and I just...stopped, for two weeks. I also quit my job, but I basically got pushed out of it. So yeah, January has been FUN.

Friday, 6 January 2023

How to Complete the Perfect Bathroom Makeover on a Budget

Home improvements are an excellent way to make your property a more pleasant place to live. Working on creating the perfect home for you and your family can be a labour of love. There is no doubt transforming a property to match your tastes and needs is no easy task. However, despite all the hard work, the result of all of your efforts is guaranteed to be worth the time, money, and energy you ploughed into making them happen.

Monday, 2 January 2023

January Goals 2023

I've sorted my goals for the year, now it's time to plan my goals for January!

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Goals for 2023

Happy New Year! 2023 is upon us and this year I'm determined to make something of it. I'm attempting SMART goals this year! Normally I just make some goals and maybe I complete it, maybe I don't. This time I've actually made myself a plan to achieve those goals by the end of the year!