Monday, 28 December 2020

2021 Goals

2021 is nearly here, can you believe it?! How are you feeling about the upcoming year? I'm feeling  a bit more optimistic, but also a little worried about what's to come! Anyway, here are my goals for 2021.

Friday, 25 December 2020

2020 Goals Recap

I honestly forgot I even set myself goals for this year, that's how much of a crazy year it's been! I think if I hadn't decided to have a flip through my planner a few weeks ago, I probably wouldn't have written this post this year!

Monday, 21 December 2020

2020 Reading Wrap Up

I still can't believe how many books I read this year! I completely expected to struggle to read 20 this year, so I couldn't believe it when I realised I've read 27! Although I easily could have hit 30+ but I decided to have a break from reading this month, until Saturday when I decided to start reading Hangman by Daniel Cole! I probably won't finish it before the New Year, but I'm enjoying it so far!

Friday, 18 December 2020

Diary Entry #12

It was Josh's 23rd birthday last Friday! We weren't able to do anything to celebrate unfortunately, as he had work and then was so shattered he fell asleep on the sofa after opening his presents! He seemed pretty happy with his gifts though. We ordered dinner in, which ended up being two hours late! We were absolutely starving, and Josh went straight to bed after eating. Not the best birthday ever, but he didn't complain, bless him.

Friday, 11 December 2020

My Minimalism Journey | 2020 Update

If you read my last diary entry, you'll know I've been decluttering again a lot lately. This sparked me to read every single one of my old minimalism journey posts and I realised I haven't updated it in over a year! I miss blogging about minimalism, so here we are again!

Monday, 7 December 2020

Diary Entry #11

We're a week into December and it started so well for me. I have been struggling with my mental health a lot the last few weeks but I am on such a high lately! I'm starting to think it's PMS. It's pretty much towards the end of every month I get like that, like clockwork. I definitely have to take a lot of time for myself when I feel that low.

Friday, 4 December 2020

What I Read in November 2020

I read a grand total of three books last month and I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself about that! So here's a quick recap and review of what I read in November.