Monday, 31 July 2017

Pregnancy Update: Weeks 39 & 40

The first day of week 39 also happened to be my late Dads birthday. Even though it would have meant Charlie was a week early; I was desperate for him to be born that day. But, alas, it wasn't meant to be. 
I had still been having the occasional pains and niggles but they just didn't develop into anything else. I was extra-gutted because my friend had her baby girl that morning! I would have loved to have been in sync with her hahah! 

Friday, 28 July 2017

The Minimalism Game...Kind of

As you probably know I have become a minimalist. All year long I've been trying to get rid of as many possessions as possible and have attempted the minimalism game twice already. I actually find it a really useful process, and decided to try it again throughout the month of June. Kind of. 

Monday, 24 July 2017

Remembering Reykjavik with Juniper Daze Designs*

I love travelling. Going somewhere new and discovering beautiful places totally different to what you're used to, there's nothing better. My favourite holiday by far was Reykjavik, Iceland. Iceland had been on my travel wishlist for years before I finally went in 2015 and I fell in love with the place. It was completely breathtaking: from the views to the bitterly cold wind!  

Friday, 21 July 2017

Life Goals

On my old blog Ash and I had mapped out the next four years of our life together. But of course, we broke up, so I feel it's time to map out my life for me. Although I don't have a time scale this time; hopefully I can create a real timeline for each goal soon!

Monday, 17 July 2017

Pregnancy Update: Weeks 37 & 38

I celebrated my first day of 37 weeks by touring the unit/wards of where I want to give birth! 

Friday, 14 July 2017

Make Your Feet Beautiful Again with SockShop*

As someone who does a lot of walking (pre-pregnancy, anyway) and usually in the wrong kind of shoes, I have pretty much always suffered with hard/dry skin on the heels of my feet. I have tried various heel balms and moisturisers but nothing ever really seemed to fix it. So when I was offered the chance to test out some socks specifically for this problem: I was too intrigued to say no.

Monday, 10 July 2017

What Is In My Makeup Bag?

For someone who rarely wears makeup, I seemed to own a lot of it. Mostly in the form of lipstick. I knew it was ridiculous that my sizeable makeup bag was struggling to zip up, so I did the sensible thing and went through it. 

*Forewarning: this post mentions Younique a lot, but this is not a sponsored post, I just happen to own a lot of it.* 

Friday, 7 July 2017

Pregnancy Update: Weeks 35 & 36

I actually had a really lovely start to week 35! Well, apart from having to visit Dad at the crematorium for Fathers Day but even that wasn't as horrible as I expected it to be. But after that, I managed to drag Ash out of bed and up to Canterbury with me. Ash's Nan had given me the cash for pram at the baby shower, so I was finally going to get the damn thing myself, instead of waiting for Ash to order it. So we went to have another look at it, make sure it was 100% the one we wanted and that it was easy enough to collapse etc. 

Monday, 3 July 2017

2017 Blog Goals

I know, I know, we're over halfway through 2017 and I'm only now creating myself some blog goals. I must be insane. Or, just feeling confident. Nah, definitely insane. Having to create a brand new blog has left me feeling inspired and motivated; whereas before I was never really that fussed about anything. And it's never too late for some goals.