Monday, 28 May 2018

40 New Things in 40 Days | Days 15-22

You may have noticed by now that I'm attempting to do 40 new things in 40 days - or at least, do more of what I enjoy! 

Friday, 25 May 2018

40 New Things in 40 Days | Days 8-14

Week two of 40 New Things! If you haven't read week one yet, catch up here.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

The Spending Ban

I spend a ridiculous amount of money every month. Usually on chocolate or various other things I don't really need. This isn't good for my health or my minimalism. But mostly my bank account. I had over £2,000 in savings a year ago, now I'm down to £400, which I've literally just built back up today. Admittedly half of it went to Charlie, but even so. A spending ban is definitely needed. 

Monday, 14 May 2018

40 New Things in 40 Days

Not long ago, I was scrolling through Twitter when I saw Emma tweet:

and I got intrigued. I immediately clicked on her profile and found a link to her blog post titled '40 New Things in 40 Days' and had a read. I was immediately inspired. I'm constantly being told/thinking that I need to live my life and actually get out there and do things. I nearly died, I got a second chance and what have I done with it? Apart from raise an amazing, gorgeous little boy, fuck all. The last time I did something particularly exciting was date a fuckboy back in January/February. So, after reading Emma's posts, I decided to make a list of things I want/can do in 40 days, and got started. 

Friday, 11 May 2018

Old English Company Haul*

Even though I'm trying to be a minimalist, there's just a few things I can't resist adding to my collection. Homeware, prints and stationery to name but a few. When The Old English Company* got in touch, I trawled their website for hours, adding things to my basket and whittling them down one by one to my final favourite products. It was probably the hardest thing I've done in a long time. 

Monday, 7 May 2018

10 Items a Day Declutter | Update

I recently posted about a different approach to decluttering I wanted to take and how I'm going to be a bit more honest about it, and only list items I've actually removed from the house and/or binned. In March, I had some new furniture put in my bedroom, which meant turning my room upside down and finding a whole load more stuff to either find a home for, or get rid of. Here's what I got rid of over the course of 7 days.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Hysterectomy Q&A

My hysterectomy is a huge part of my life. It doesn't affect my day-to-day life but there's definitely some things I need to consider in the future, and some of you on Twitter had some questions about it. 

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

31 Day Minimalism & Simplicity Challenge

I mentioned in Mondays post that one of my goals for May is to complete a 31 Day Minimalism and Simplicity Challenge. This is one I've created myself to suit my needs, so if anyone fancies playing along then feel free to! 

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Fitness Goals for May

Last month, I feel I made a pretty good start on losing weight. I still didn't get my daily walks in or workout as much as I said I was going to but I'm definitely getting there. This month I want to step it up a notch, and make a definitive plan towards losing my first stone. I even got myself a little health planner from The Range to help me along.