Monday 28 December 2020

2021 Goals

2021 is nearly here, can you believe it?! How are you feeling about the upcoming year? I'm feeling  a bit more optimistic, but also a little worried about what's to come! Anyway, here are my goals for 2021.

Get/Keep a Job I Enjoy

I'm really hoping that 2021 is the year I finally get a job and Josh and I can work on getting our own house! I spent so many months this year applying for jobs and always being rejected, I hope my luck will change next year. I know Covid had a lot to do with the jobs this year, but my fingers are crossed!

Lose Weight/Tone Up
Yep, still a big goal of mine! I have definitely lost a lot of weight recently but I still have a long way to go. I really want to update my wardrobe this year too but I want to drop another dress size first. Josh bought us Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch, and it's loads of fun so hopefully that'll keep me motivated to workout!

Become More Minimalist
I'll have a blog post explaining this more coming soon!

Learn Sign Language
I've been wanting to learn sign language for years now but I still haven't stuck with it! I definitely want to concentrate on learning it this year, and have already signed myself up to a British Sign Language online course!!

Write a Book
This is my secret project from my December goals! I made a good start on it but I really need to carry on, maybe find a publisher?

What are your goals for 2021?

Until next time,
Saph x

1 yorum:

  1. These are amazing goals Saph. 2020 did go kinda fast lol. I love setting goals at the beginning of each year, I find it super helpful and setting goals always give me a direction too. I wish you well in achieving your goals.
