Wednesday, 1 November 2023

November Goals

I really and truly can't believe it's November already! October absolutely flew by. It's officially time to start thinking about Christmas and I'm not ready. I really hoped to blog regularly during October, and even considered doing blogtober but I just blanked for posts. I'm a bit gutted but I didn't want to force it!

Well, I finally watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. What a crock of shit. I didn't understand it at all but I did enjoy Tim Curry and his songs. I would say I'm glad I've been able to cross it off my bucket list but that would be a lie. Definitely not one I would watch again...

I also booked my theory test! I booked it for the very end of November so I have plenty of time to get my revision in and get my mock test scores as high as possible. I'm nervous but excited!

I never did manage to quit vaping but I have had an extremely stressful month and I vape more when I'm stressed. Maybe November will be the month!

I didn't quite manage to work out three times a week but I did more walking this month, and I enjoyed doing dance workouts using The Fitness Marshall on YouTube. I still haven't stepped foot in the gym this month which I'm really frustrated with myself about.

November Goals

Pass my Theory Test
It's all systems go for doing revision now! I took a break for a couple of weeks so it's time to knuckle down and get on it.

Quit Vaping
I'm actually going to try and stop this month! I'm getting back on my anti-depressants this week so I'm hoping that will help massively with quitting, as I always buy more vapes when I'm stressed.

Get in the Gym
I've been talking to a PT on Instagram and he's been really encouraging and has made some really great suggestions for me so I'm determined to get back to the gym this month. I feel so silly that I've been paying for it and not going!

What are your goals for November? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Saph x

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