Monday, 2 October 2023

October Bucket List

October is literally the best month of the year - yes, better than Christmas. It's time for spooky movies, candles, and cuddling up under blankets. Oh, and we can't forget my birthday, then Halloween two days later! I fancied doing myself a bucket list for October, separate to my goals and a bit more fun!

Watch Films I Haven't Seen Before
Included on the list is:
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Beetlejuice
  • Practical Magic
Rocky Horror and Beetlejuice have been on my list for years now and I finally found RH on one of my many streaming services, so I'm excited to spend a day off watching that! Practical Magic has only recently been recommended to me but I'm determined to watch it soon.

Do Some Autumnal Photoshoots
I'm feeling a walk in the woods with Mav, Charlie and Josh at weekends and getting some gorgeous photos.

Go Pumpkin Picking
We love pumpkin picking and it's another chance for a cheeky photoshoot.

Decorate the Home for Autumn/Halloween
I've seen the most gorgeous pumpkin wreath in b&m that I absolutely must have ASAP! I haven't decided how else to decorate yet but certain candles I have will be making an appearance again this year. I can't wait to go shopping for Halloween decor!

Take Charlie Trick or Treating
He's decided he wants to be a ghost this year so I need to find a white bedsheet. We can't wait to take him, this is our first Halloween in the house so it'll be a new area for trick or treating. Josh grew up in this town and says people go all out with decorations.

Whats on your October bucket list? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Saph x

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