Monday, 27 February 2023

February Recap & March Goals

February is coming to an end! It's been a funny old month. All three of us spent a good chunk of it poorly, and needed antibiotics! None of us had been on antibiotics before, then we all got some in the same week. We had some bad news within the family, which we've all been dealing with in our own way. We also had a birthday party to go to, which was lovely and Charlie had a brilliant time. I dyed my hair brown again, after spending ages trying to get a decent blonde. Anyway, time for some goals! 

February Recap

Start exercising again
I started taking my vitamins again during the half term break, so it feels good to know I'm putting something healthy in my body! I was also supposed to start using my at-home gym again but it got filled up with all of Charlie's toys during half term so that didn't happen!

Declutter/decorate Charlie's room
I actually did this one! I completely emptied out his room on the Monday, painted on Tuesday, Josh put up his new bed on get the gist.

Read a book
I actually read TWO books! I read both of the charity shop books within two days and I absolutely loved them. Of course, the only problem with reading, is that I never want to do anything else once I start. I'm now officially out of my reading slump but everything else is suffering because of it.

March Goals

Focus on Simply Saph & Blogger Nation
This March I really want to focus on blogging more, getting my name out there and keep up with Blogger Nation. I feel like I've really been slacking across the board lately and I hate it!

Make More Plans
One of my goals this year is to socialise more and I realised during February half term, I literally only left the house once. Admittedly, I was busy with Charlie's room and having some well-earned rest but I really should be going out more - or inviting people round. If I start reaching out now, maybe I'll get some slots in my diary filled up.

Attempt to Build a Proper Routine - and stick to it!
I feel like I've lost my way even more than usual lately. I've never been one to have a routine for anything, but I think now might be the time to try and build one for my day-to-day life. I need to have a think about this!

What are your plans for March? Any tips or tricks to help with mine would be super appreciated!

Until next time,
Saph x

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