Saturday, 1 April 2023

The £5 a Day Side Hustle Challenge | from The Fun Money Club

I'm a huge fan of Neesha, from The Fun Money Club, who has been doing a £5 a day side hustle challenge since January and has saved herself a huge £800 in that time! I'm always after more ways to get money without working myself to the bone, so I thought I'd follow her tips and give it a try this April.

I'm an avid reader of her blog, I read her newsletters, I religiously follow her Instagram and have even joined her brand new Facebook group. I downloaded her free ebook for the challenge and have studied it multiple times. I've signed up to pretty much everything she has recommended.

My Target
If I can do £5 every day for 30 days, I'll be looking at £150 by the end of the month. Ideally I'd put this towards paying off my credit card but my wages from work were not brilliant this month, and I'll probably need it just for bills and groceries.

I'm already well on my way to cashing out £50 from YouGov surveys! I have ended up signing up to them using my blog email address as well with my referral code to get there a bit quicker!
I also use Curious Cat surveys and earned £2 in about an hour one day last month so I'm feeling relatively confident with this one.
As Neesha suggested, I also signed up to Prolific but I'm on a waiting list for that and could be for a long time!

I'm already signed up to Topcashback and now JamDoughnut. I am waiting for £11 from Topcashback so hopefully I'll get this through this month! JamDoughnut is the only place I'm aware of that offers cashback from Aldi! We do most of our shopping from there now so getting cashback will be ideal. Use my referral code: Y2PT to join JamDoughnut.

The Body Shop at Home
You might be aware that I am a The Body Shop at Home Consultant! I earn some commission from orders from this. Keep me in mind if you love The Body Shop!

I would love to earn some money from my blog this month. I've got my eye on some affiliate programmes to sign up to so hopefully I can get something from that.

Are you doing the £5 side hustle challenge? Let me know in the comments what you're working towards and how!

Until next time,
Saph x

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