Tuesday 1 September 2020

Self Care September

If you read yesterdays post, you'll know I've been struggling mentally lately. So for September, I'm making a point of looking after myself, and will be using my self care journal daily, as well as partaking in a self care challenge.

The Self Care Journal
Gail and I actually bought each other this exact journal for Christmas last year (we know each other so well) but neither of us have actually use it yet. So this month, I'm finally going to be putting pen to paper.

There's absolutely tons of other pages but I might do another full post about this journal in the future!

I'll be filling in the calendar with my self care challenge, which you can read about next!

The Self Care Challenge

  1. Start a journal. Write down your current feelings, things your grateful for, make a note of this challenge and report your progress throughout the month
  2. Make some short term goals - for today, this week or this month and note them in your journal
  3. Go for a 20 minute walk
  4. Do some yoga - I love this Yoga for Couch Potatoes personally! Super easy and quick to do.
  5. Watch your favourite film or TV series
  6. Journal about at least 3 good things from this week
  7. Declutter/tidy your living space
  8. Bake your favourite sweet treat or cook your favourite dinner
  9. Burn your favourite wax melt or candle - for wax melts I highly recommend Vixen Melts or Melt into Scent.
  10. Treat yourself to a pampering bath or shower
  11. Give yourself a mani/pedi
  12. Wear your favourite outfit/take time to make yourself look and feel good
  13. Journal about at least three good things from this week
  14. Start a new book
  15. Try something new
  16. Digital detox
  17. Do some form of exercise
  18. Listen to music that makes you happy
  19. Write a handwritten letter to a friend and post it
  20. Journal about at least 3 good things from this week
  21. Get in touch with a friend or family member you haven't spoken to for a while!
  22. Have a no spend day
  23. Clean/tidy your living space
  24. Play one of your favourite albums
  25. Do something creative! Especially if you have a little one to entertain
  26. Have a games night
  27. Journal about at least 3 good things from this week
  28. Have a pyjama and Netflix day
  29. Bake or cook something new
  30. Reflect on the month and journal how you feel, what your favourite challenge was etc.

I have created this challenge to suit my typical day etc. so feel free to jiggle it around a little bit if need be! Let me know in the comments if you're likely to join in.

Until next time,
Saph x

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