Monday, 31 August 2020

September Goals

August seemed to go by so slowly for me! I don't think I really did a lot this month, although I have posted a couple of lovely photo diaries. Plus I got to see my Mum and Stepdad which was a perfect day out!

Josh and I also got to have a date day yesterday. We went clothes shopping - I didn't get anything but Josh has kitted out his wardrobe with some incredibly sexy shirts - and then we went for a wander down to the beach. It was such a perfect day and it always feels so good to spend some time just us two.

I have been feeling so low and stressed out again the last couple of weeks though. My energy levels have been at zero, I haven't wanted to socialise much so I've probably been making people feel alienated which stresses me out more! I've had to start taking sleeping tablets (only Kalms nights) just to get some decent rest.

I just need something big to happen ASAP so I can stop worrying and start feeling like I'm getting somewhere! But I digress. My goals for August were:

Read one book
I did it! I actually read two books and I'm now fully caught up with my 2020 reading goal! I chose Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams for book 20, and I loved it. My next book was Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott which I loved even more! I have reviews of both books under Saphs Reading Nook.

Make £400 worth of sales
I did this! Thanks to a huge game of Body Shop Bingo last night, I actually managed to put through over £400 worth of sales by the end of August. I'm absolutely thrilled to bits and I can't wait to see what I can achieve in September! I'm so grateful to everyone who has ordered from me this month.

Plus a private goal or two. Which I have still done nothing about. Well, not entirely true. But I'm getting there! All will be revealed... eventually!

September Plans and Goals
I'm honestly so excited for this month. Josh and I have finally booked our first holiday together! We're so excited and it's coming round in just two weeks! Can't wait to have a week away (in the UK) just me, my wonderful man and my little boy, it's so needed.

Use my Self Care journal
Gail and I bought each other the same journal for Christmas last year, and neither of us have used it yet. I've been feeling really low lately so I'm determined to finally use mine!

Complete a Self Care Challenge
Alongside using my journal, I'll also be attempting to complete a self care challenge. More info about both of these will be in my next post!

Lose Weight
Feeling down = eating rubbish. I am still slimming down but not enough. I really want to change my eating and drinking habits again, so I'm ditching the junk food and fizzy drinks and swapping them for water (including flavoured water) and fruit. Except during our holiday, I will probably be eating a bit rubbish then! But we'll be getting plenty of exercise to make up for it.

I have actually already been working on this over the last week, obviously I'm not seeing any progress yet but I'm definitely feeling a lot better for it!

Celebrate Mabon
I completely forgot to learn about and celebrate Lammas so I need to do my research and actually celebrate Mabon this month! Honestly, I'm wondering now if this is why I'm having a crap month; I forgot to start it off right! Next year I'll 100% be celebrating all of the Sabbats!

What are your goals for September? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Saph x

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