Thursday, 13 October 2022

My Tattoo Wishlist

Since getting my ladybird tattoo back in June, I've been thinking about what other tattoos I would like! I have decided I definitely want sleeves, potentially one in full colour and one in black and grey but I'm not fully sold on that idea yet. I've been told I really suit colour tattoos so I may end up with mostly colour, with a few more black and grey dotted in. The idea was to have like nature-based, cutesy tattoos on my left arm to go with my hedgehog and ladybird, and then more spooky, darker black and grey on my right. For my "two personalities" - you know?

Cute & Colourful

  • Dandelion
  • Tulips
  • Butterfly
  • Peony(ies?)
  • Sunflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Fern

Black & Grey
  • Moth
  • Cute ghost
  • Dagger
  • Poison bottle
  • Ghostface
  • Pumpkin

I haven't put masses of thought into these but I have some basic ideas and some inspiration on Pinterest boards. TikTok also shows me tons of gorgeous tattoo ideas! I definitely want the dandelion in it's "wishes" stage and in fully white ink - or maybe pink if white won't show up brilliantly. I can't decide if I would like a bouquet of tulips in pink and purple or a few dotted around.

The main tattoo I'm undecided about is the pumpkin. I feel like it belongs on both the cutesy side and the spooky side. Same for a little ghost! I want it looking cute and reading a book. I'm defcinitely going to have a long hard think before I get either of those. I'm ideally looking to get the dandelions or tulips next anyway...

What's on your tattoo wishlist? Do you prefer colour or black and grey? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Saph x

1 yorum:

  1. Nice list and post. I prefer black tattoos myself as colour is to me at least more of a pain to heal but go nuts :)
