Monday 30 November 2020

December Goals 2020

It's officially December tomorrow and 2020 is nearly over already, can you believe it?! I certainly can't. So much has happened this year. We've spent the majority of it in some form of lockdown, my sister gave birth to her first child, my longest friend also became a mother...the list is endless! We've had our Christmas decorations up since November 15th. We started Christmas shopping in October. I'm ready for Christmas in every sense of it - it needs to be a good one this year!

The only goal I really set myself for November was to feel happier with myself. I genuinely feel like I've accomplished that! The Smile:Now teeth whitening strips genuinely worked so well and I haven't felt this good about my smile ever! I do need to invest in some good whitening toothpaste though to keep it up.

I have really been concentrating on self care and self growth lately. I can't tell you how many lovely, relaxing baths I've had this month! 2020 has been a super stressful year and I really feel like I need to take extra care of myself right now. I have definitely been taking more steps to care for myself, as well as Charlie and Josh without burning myself out. Although Charlie really does test me sometimes! I do get overwhelmed very easily and all month I've been putting Charlie to bed 30-60 minutes earlier than previous and I can't explain to you how much better it has been for all of us.

December Goals

Start Setting Up My 2021 Bullet Journal
It's officially time to start putting together my bullet journal for 2021! A lot of people said buying a planner for 2020 was a waste of money but I honestly still would have been lost without mine. I use mine for everything, and I'm really looking forward to going back to the bullet journal method for next year. I'm definitely going to wait until after Christmas before I put pen to paper though, just in case someone has bought me a diary! I have mapped out how I want it to be laid out though.

Continue to Lose Weight
I've still got a long way to go but I'm heading in the right direction!
Starting again today, I want to cut out fizzy drinks and chocolate as much as possible. I only managed five days last time and I know I can do better than that! I always feel so much better for it too so I do really want to stick with it this time.

Start a new project
I'm not going to go into detail, but I have been considering something for a while now! I definitely want to use this month to start working on it, and hopefully next year I'll have something to show for it. Wish me luck!

What are your goals for December?

Until next time,
Saph x

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