Sunday 5 December 2021

30 Days Minimalism Challenge Update | Blogmas 2021

Last month, I set myself a thirty (30) day minimalism challenge to get me ready for the festive season. I absolutely love decluttering, and it always makes me feel so good when I clear out multiple bags of crap from my space. So, how did I do?

I set myself a list of areas to tackle which you can read about here. I didn't dedicate certain areas to certain days, I kind of just did whatever I felt I could handle that day. Unfortunately, time got the better of me and I only managed half of the days. Which is a little annoying, but better half the challenge than none!

Over the 15 days I tackled clothes, shoes, toiletries and junk drawers. Oh, and the dreaded odd sock bag which was beyond overflowing. I reunited fifty-nine pairs of socks that day. 59!! Admittedly I binned or passed down to my nephew fifty-two (52) of those pairs. So many holey socks.

In total, I rid myself of nearly 300 items. That doesn't even include some of Charlie's clothing that I had previously bagged up to donate but never got round to taking them anywhere. It's amazing how much you can get rid over two weeks! Annoyingly, it doesn't really feel like I got rid of lots because there's still a lot of clutter and things that don't have their own space. It's just that my wardrobe finally feels less crowded and the medicine drawer is no longer overflowing with out of date medicine...

I will be attempting another challenge this month, as I still desperately need to sort out Charlie's toys before we get more for Christmas.

Until tomorrow,
Saph x

1 yorum:

  1. There is something so satisfying about the process of decluttering, isn't there? We recently moved from a 3+ bedroom house to a MUCH smaller 2 bedroom and while it has been a transition, it feels so good. We honestly didn't need all the space in the last house. We just chose it due to the location and the yard. As a result, we had rooms that literally NEVER got used for anything but storage which really encourages clutter build-up lol These last 2 weeks I have donated, sold, and trashed SOOO many things and it feels great!
