Monday, 7 October 2024

Weekly Catch Up | Week 1 of Blogtober

The first week of blogtober is officially done! Well okay, technically it's tomorrow but it feels wrong to do a weekly catch up on a Tuesday. To be honest, I'm already running out of post ideas so I'm getting a little bit stressed about it. But it's supposed to be a bit of fun so I'm going to try not to worry about it too much!

The last couple of weeks have been a bit annoying with work. I'm supposed to work Mondays, but for some reason, I haven't worked the last two, through no choice of my own. I worked last Saturday, but that was supposed to be extra money, not replacing my Monday. So I'm annoyed about losing money, especially as I've paid for childcare. But we move, and hopefully it doesn't happen too often.

I've worked my way through a lot of my watchlist already! I've crossed off Inside Out 2, Outlast and the LOTR trilogy so far. Josh ended up watching LOTR with me and he absolutely loved it, which pleased me to no end. We had a lovely weekend watching them. Annoyingly Coraline, and Practical Magic are both on Prime to rent, so I'm not too keen to pay to watch those at the moment. I started watching the new season of Love is Blind but it seems really boring so far. I do wish they'd bring out the whole season at once though! I'm thinking of starting the new Heartstopper season while waiting for new episodes.

I'm supposed to be meeting a new friend tomorrow who lives nearby, so I'm a bit excited and nervous about that! She seems cool though so I'm just hoping I'm not too awkward and put her off me. 

This week I want to try making hot chocolate in the slow cooker! I went out this morning and bought a big bar of chocolate, so now I just need to hide it from the boys until I'm ready to make it!

I feel good about this week. There's lots I want to try and accomplish this week so lets make it happen!

Until next time,
Saph x

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