Thursday 1 October 2020

Hello October!

It's my birthday month! I turn 25 this October, how terrifying is that?! Where on earth has my life gone, and where the hell is it going?!

I'm starting the month fresh, I insisted on having a decluttering session last Sunday, so I'm now a few bags lighter of stuff. It's amazing how much better you feel after a good declutter and shift around. There's still plenty to sort out though, so maybe I can get another one in before my birthday!

September was an interesting month. It was so nice getting away for a few days, and my mental health has definitely been much better this month. Just unfortunate that I had a cold for the majority of it!

September Goals Review

Use my Self Care journal
I definitely did this! Not as regularly as I planned to but still at least once a week. I definitely still want to continue using it, maybe when I start to feel low again though, as I didn't feel the need to use it daily.

Complete a Self Care Challenge
Surprise, surprise, another 30 day challenge I didn't complete. I did do the majority of it though! I probably completed more of this challenge than I have any other challenge so I'm pretty happy with myself. Plus my mental health actually didn't take a complete nose dive this month like it usually does!

I really enjoyed giving myself something else to focus on, and I think the best part was giving myself the task to journal a minimum of 3 good things from the week every Sunday.


Lose Weight
I did this! It's hard to tell as I don't actually weigh myself but I've definitely been feeling less "heavy" lately. The active holiday helped! My mother in law actually told me last weekend that I'm looking slimmer and it literally made my day, I'm so pleased other people are finally starting to notice a difference!

I want to keep up my weight loss/fitness this month, as it's taken me so long to finally see a real difference, I'd hate to lose all my progress now!


Celebrate Mabon
This is the only one I didn't even attempt to do. Must remember to celebrate Samhain!

October Goals

Have the best birthday possible
We probably won't be able to do much or go anywhere but I'm hoping it'll be a good day! Just as long as there's no stress, I'll be happy.

Learn to ride my bike
I haven't had a chance to get on it since the first weekend it arrived, so I want to get on it as much as possible over the coming weeks.

Spending ban
I ended up buying myself a new laptop last weekend so I am officially on a spending ban and it's save save save from here on out! No more body shop goodies for me for a while.

I've been having a bit of an identity crisis, well, my whole life really! As I'm turning 25 this month I really want to use the next few weeks to figure out who I am and what I like, how I want to dress etc. I have never really had a wardrobe I've felt 100% me or comfortable in, so I really want a new look to go with my new figure. A new look, new found confidence. I'm hoping for a shopping trip for my birthday.

Wish me luck!

Until next time,
Saph x

2 yorum:

  1. I wish you the best of luck with you new goals! I think you’ve chosen some great ones 🙂 this is definitely something I need to start doing each month.

    Also happy birth month girly! Nearly half way to 50 😏

    Ashleigh -

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to smash them this month.

      Hahah thanks! And there was me just worrying about 30 😃😂
