Sunday, 22 September 2024

Autumn Bucket List

Today is officially Autumn! My favourite time of year. I wanted to create a little mini bucket list for the autumn season, so here goes.

Visit a Pumpkin Patch

The pumpkin patch has become our yearly tradition and I'm hoping to go again this year! Charlie already expressed his interest in going back weeks ago when we were looking at our photos from last year.

Host Family Dinners

We never host. We've had this beautiful house for nearly 2 years now and have barely hosted at all. This autumn, I'd like to get a nice hearty stew or roast dinner going, and get some family over for a lovely meal.

Woodland Walks

It just goes without saying really. We love the woods, Maverick loves the woods. We can't not can we really?

Do some Autumnal Crafts

While on our walks, I'd love to collect some pretty leaves and maybe some acorns and see what Charlie and I can make with them!

Buy an Autumn Wreath

I love wreaths and have seen some really pretty ones, so I think this year I'm going to try and get one! Although Josh isn't overly keen to put a nail through the front door, so we'll have to figure out a different way to get it up.

Watch Gilmore Girls

I've been thinking about this one for a while, but I think it's time to crack out the Gilmore Girls. It's not my favourite TV show but I have been feeling the urge. We all know autumn/winter is the perfect time to watch it. I'm just looking forward to seeing Luke again. -edit: I actually started watching this the first day of September it rained. I just couldn't wait anymore.

Decorate the House for Halloween

I've seen tons of bits online that I would love to get for the house, especially from The Range. I don't want to go too crazy but I would definitely love to make more effort than we did last year!

Bake some Halloween Goodies

I've been wanting to do some baking for a while, so why not go all out for Halloween!

Do some Halloween Crafts

While I was browsing The Range's website, I spotted a cute spooky ornament to paint. I might get one each for myself and Charlie to do, and browse Pinterest for other ideas.

Make Hot Chocolate in the Slow Cooker

I spotted this on Tiktok last year and never got round to trying it. This year I definitely want to give it a go!

What's on your autumn bucket list? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time, 
Saph x

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