Monday, 9 September 2024

Weekly Catch Up | September Week 1

Well...September has been pretty rough so far. Our invitations to our wedding officially went out, and then we had a family member on Josh's side trying to tell us that we shouldn't have my best friend there and just generally trying to cause trouble. In the end, Josh banned his sister and my best friend which broke my heart as she was my maid of honour. But he respected that I didn't want his youngest brother there, so I have had to respect his wish not to have my friend there. It sucks, but it is what it is and we are still firm friends.

So generally, I've had a lot of anxiety this week. I've basically just been waiting for the next attack. But on a happier note, we got my wedding ring and it's absolutely beautiful. I also ordered my necklace for the day and I'm super excited to see that in person and try it on with my dress. All I need to do now is find the earrings I want to wear, which are hiding out in my bedroom somewhere!

Charlie went back to school this week. He's officially in year 3 now, which is insane to me! Feels like yesterday was his first day in Reception. He's been doing so well and we've started the new term in a really positive way.

I managed to stick with my spending ban this week! Okay so yes I ordered a necklace, but when talking through my spending ban challenge, we agreed that wedding stuff is allowed. Especially as the necklace in particular was on sale! I decided to do this challenge because I have a tattoo booked for December this year, and a holiday booked for next April. I'm severely behind saving up for my holiday especially, so I've figured out I need to save a minimum of £60 a month to have it saved up in time. So the less I'm spending on stuff I don't really need, the more I'll have to save quicker. We're only one week in but I'm feeling so motivated!

Weekly Goals

This week, I'm feeling the urge to declutter again! I feel like it's a never-ending need. I need to go through my wardrobe again because my friend gave me a load of her old clothes weeks ago, so I need to try those on and find room for the stuff I want to keep. I'm also feeling the need to go through my shoes, and the masses of stuff under my bed. 

I actually woke up so motivated today, I got up, got dressed and stripped both mine and Charlie's bed, and got a load of washing on before 8am! I feel a deep clean coming on once I've published this.

Wish me luck!

Until next time,
Saph x

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