Thursday, 29 February 2024

February Photo Diary

You know what guys, February has been a bloody good month. Okay, sure, it got rocky towards the end where my mental health plummeted and I ignored everyone for a week and wanted to quit my job and life in general, but other than that? It's been amazing.

We got the kitchen painted after Josh tiled the backsplash. And by "we" I mean, Josh and our sister-in-law did it. It's white for now, until we decide what colour we actually want it but it looks so much better now.

I made a point of getting out more with Charlie during the half term and we've had more outdoors-orientated family days. We've seen certain family members way more than usual.

My sister in law hid some ducks round our house to prank Josh!

It's just been a bloody good month and although there's some things I didn't get to do, I'm pretty damn happy with what I have done this month. I'm really feeling so appreciative today.

How has February been for you?

Until next time, 

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