Wednesday, 10 April 2019

7 Days of Instagram | 23 While I'm 23

I am absolutely rubbish at posting to Instagram regularly. After the hell that was the 28 day PAD challenge, 7 days seemed a little easier, but I decided to sneak this one in, and not put too much pressure on myself to actually complete it. Normally I make a point of announcing when I'm going to do something, but for some reason I decided to just go ahead and do this one, without talking about it first. Clearly, it worked, and perhaps I should try it more often!

There was definitely an unintentional theme going on for the seven days, and was very outdoorsy, sunny and very suitable for Spring. I have never been able to get into the 'themed' grid thing but actually it's really quite satisfying having a certain colour palette on the grid - I finally understand the hype. I am absolutely certain that it won't be sticking around though!

Although hardly any of these photos were actually taken on the day of posting, I'm actually quite proud of myself for sticking with the seven days - even if there were some near misses. I might try this again in the Summer, and try to remember to take a photo to publish on the day!

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