Sunday, 1 July 2018

June Round-Up & July Goals

Another month of 2018 gone! June was a bit of a whirlwind. I finally started to knuckle down on party planning, started a pin collection, went on holiday and dyed my hair red again! I even finally did another photoshoot with Charlie. 
June Goals 

Read a book
I did this! In fact, I read two and started a third just this week. I'm very happy with myself and I'm very much enjoying reading as much as possible! 

Lose 8lbs
Ugh. I just couldn't keep my motivation. My weight yo-yo'd constantly but I did manage to lose and keep off 2lbs! It's not a lot, I know, but it's a start.

Don't eat chocolate for 30 days 
I started off fairly well! But then mini twixes ended up in the house and it was game over. Although I did only buy chocolate once the whole month! Biscuits and cookies were my main downfall in June. 

Do another declutter challenge
This was never 100% a plan for this month, so I'm not overly disappointed with not achieving this, but my sister and I did manage to get a bagful of toys and stuff to take down to the charity shop! We just haven't got down there yet. 

Don't overspend 
Umm...yeah I failed hard at my spending ban. I bought myself a new book, a couple of lovely new pins and a print. I also ended up spending about £150 on Arbonne, which I took from my Savings account, so I didn't even build up my savings like I wanted to. I also gave up on the Wallet app, as I can't adjust when my 'month' starts and ends. I generally get paid between the 18th-26th so it's hard to budget for the month when my month doesn't run from the 1st-30th/31st. I may try to weekly budget this month instead! 

Use my phone less 
I guess I did do this, but not to the extent that I intended. Obviously while I was on holiday, I spent a lot of time away from it while on walks, swimming, or reading. But I still felt like I was on it a lot. 

One thing I'm proud of for achieving in June, is changing the way I view my body, and trying to feel less 'paranoid' about it and what other people think. Yes, I still want to lose weight but I don't feel like I have to hide under baggy clothes anymore. Actually, the main thing is my arms. I have several reasons to hate my arms, including acne, but even that is changing now. For most of my life, I've been hiding behind sleeves, even in weather as hot as this. However, one day about three weeks ago now, I was walking back from town and I was wearing a thin cardigan. It was hot as hell and I didn't even get halfway home before I thought 'fuck this' and took my cardigan off. This is such a huge deal for me! Ever since then I've ditched my sleeves, got a tan AND I've actually noticed a decrease in acne on my arms! It's such a small change, but I'm feeling much happier, and it's surprising how much more confident I feel! My aim is to feel comfortable in my current body, but still work on making it fitter. My thoughts is that if I'm constantly hiding my body away, the changes I'll eventually make won't be so noticeable. But for now; I'M CURVY AND I LIKE IT! However, I did get a pretty nasty sunburn this week, so I think I will have to cover up sometimes!

What's Happening in July & My Goals 
July means Charlie turns one (SOB!) and his first birthday party is on the cards. I'll be spending the month making sure all the details are put in place and getting ready for the big day. Also, my lovely Gail will be coming to celebrate with us, and I can't wait to see her again! 

Read more books
While I'm not party planning I'm hoping to do even more reading! I'm very proud of myself for last months effort, and as I got eight more books I have plenty of reading to do! I think I can finish my current book in the next couple of days, so I'm planning on reading 2-3 books per month. I'm actually on Goodreads now, and I have set myself the challenge of 12 books this year. So far I'm four in so I'll complete that in no time at all! If you're also on Goodreads, please send me a friend request! 

Work out more
Usually this goal would be 'lose x amount of weight' but I feel that would go against everything I said earlier! My end goal is really to be fitter than I am currently, and less weight doesn't equal fit! I enjoy exercise and love the endorphin rush I get out of it, so from now on I'm just pledging to do more of what I love! Losing weight out of it will just be a bonus. 

No (or at least less) tea! 
Once again, I'm drinking tea (with lots of milk and at least two sugars!) like my life depends on it and I need to stop! I really actually want to try to cut out any drink other than water and my Arbonne herbal tea, but that might be more than I can handle. It's not the first time I've cut down/out my tea consumption, and I know I always feel better for it, so if I can cut it out for at least two of these next four weeks I'll be very happy!

I'm also hoping to take my Arbonne business to the next level! I haven't really been able to concentrate on it as much as I would like to, so I really want to grab the bull by the horns and get to work! I'll be looking for bloggers to work with (samples galore!), and hopefully add to my team this month, so if anyone would like more information, drop me an email! Meanwhile, take a moment to read about why I chose to join Arbonne in the first place, or my review of our vegan skincare for sensitive skin. Side note: Arbonne is for all genders, all people.

What are your goals for July? Drop me a comment below!

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