Well, it's been a long year, but I am finally, officially 24 years old. I feel a hell of a lot older sometimes though!
My birthday wasn't until the 29th but celebrations kicked off on the Saturday, with a Halloween party in the clubhouse. The entertainment for the night was an 80's tribute act called Total Recall and oh my god, I loved them! They were so much fun and I love 80's music so I had a great night. Although I would have liked more Halloween music played, all they did was ghost busters...

On Sunday we traveled down to my sisters house to have a little get together. I haven't seen my sisters and nieces since July, so it was lovely to spend some time with them. Natalie even made a Jaffa cake cake which was yum!
Monday, I ended up not really doing anything because I felt unwell. The plan was to go on a Country Park walk but never mind. On my actual birthday, Charlie got me up at 7am. Joy. Josh made me breakfast in bed though, so I got to stay in bed a little longer! After dropping Charlie off at nursery we went into town and he bought me a new pair of boots as an extra present - which turned out to be vegan leather! Then my Mum and Stepdad came to see me before we went to Josh's mum's for a few hours. A simple day but lovely nonetheless!
This time last year I had set myself 23 goals to achieve by my 24th birthday. It's safe to say I did by best but I didn't complete very many at all. Oops.
Completed Goals
Make a cheesecake
I wanted to actually bake one but the recipe I found meant having to chill it for 8 hours and I didn't have time for that. So, with the help of my boyfriend, I whipped up a vanilla cheesecake and ticked it off the list. It wasn't the best cheesecake I've ever had but it was definitely edible! After I took the white chocolate chips off it anyway, they were not great.
Read all of my Wicca/Witchy books
Ooh this one took a while but I did it! I even started keeping a journal. I'm planning a full blog post on these so keep an eye out for that!
Complete 7 Days of Calm
I loved doing this one, I definitely want to get back into it!
Go to Rumour café
I feel like I can technically cross this one off. I did go in there to see if they were vegan and gluten-free friendly while I was doing a vegan challenge but sadly they weren't...and I haven't been back since. To be fair, it didn't look as nice inside as it did from the outside, so I haven't even WANTED to go back. Screw it, I'm ticking this one off the list.
Take Charlie to a Pumpkin Patch and do a photoshoot
We finally ventured to Pumpkin Moon in Rainham last Saturday, and I tried to do a photoshoot! Charlie isn't really one for staying still for very long anymore so the photoshoot part of this one wasn't 100%, but I still managed to get some lovely photos. Josh got some great ones too! We all had loads of fun pumpkin picking, Charlie especially loved picking up the tiny ones and throwing them into the wheelbarrow.
Post to Instagram every day for a week (separate from the PAD challenge)
I'd totally forgotten but I actually managed to do this one! The first week of April I managed to document a moment a day.
Create and upload YouTube videos
Wear the burgundy blouse
Complete at least one of Cardigan Jezebels PAD challenges
Yet to Complete
Learn how to read Runes
I never got round to it but I still so desperately want to try! I came very close to buying some beautiful rose quartz runes in the Spring, but I decided against it as I already have runes. I regret it every day.
Go to the Vintage Tea Rooms and try the Vegan afternoon tea
Learn how to use my film camera
To be honest, I kept forgetting I even own a film camera.
Go to the Rose Street Cottage of Curiosities - a.k.a Sheerness Heritage Centre.
Go to the Swale National Nature Reserve
I really wanted to do this one but my boyfriend repeatedly told me that it was total rubbish. Plus, I've seen it from the train station...it doesn't even look like a nature reserve. Bummer.
Eat vegan for a week
I had planned to do this one during my "30 days of healthy" back in August but the healthy thing didn't really even happen, let alone the vegan thing. I am really starting to go off meat lately though so I might still give it a try soon!
Only drink water for a week
Read 100 books (including my wicca books)
I'm really not sure why I thought I could do this one. I regretted it almost immediately. I went a few months without reading at all, and it took me two months to get through the first Game of Thrones book. I am disappointed but I also think 30 books in 12 months is pretty respectable!
Do a minimum of one photoshoot per month
I failed at this one pretty miserably, I think I only picked up my camera once this year!
Watch Logan
Another birthday gone and I still haven't watched it. Oops.
Go on a ghost hunt
This one was supposed to be how I was celebrating my birthday this year but I kept forgetting to remind people about it and look for a good one. Sigh. Maybe next year!
Have a pamper night once a week, every week
I started off pretty strong but after a while I just put other things first.
Lose 2 stone
Pfft. I started off so well! I was well on my way to losing my first stone by the end of May but then things went a bit haywire and I never lost it again. As usual, my weight has been yo-yoing. I am currently looking a bit slimmer again but the number on the scale never moves, so for the time being I'm forgetting about my weight and just concentrating on how I feel. I'm certainly feeling better about myself now than I was this time last year!
Blog about everything on this list!
If only I'd finished this post on Monday. In the end, I only blogged about four of the completed items.
Overall, I'm pretty proud of myself! Obviously I didn't do anywhere near as many as I set out to do, but the fact I actually did as many as nine is amazing. I'm mostly surprised that I actually completed both the Instagram challenges - it's not exactly my best platform.
Who knows what I'll achieve in the next 12 months.
Until next time,
Saph x
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