Wednesday, 6 March 2019

February Photo a Day Challenge | 23 While I'm 23

Meggan has been creating monthly photo a day challenges for quite a while now, and I have tried to join in a couple of times. I even created my own once! I loved the prompts for February's challenge and made it my main goal for the month.

Surprisingly, I actually managed to complete it! There were a few close calls, and I nearly missed a few days but I was determined to do this one. I'm sad to say I didn't get to take a new photo every day but as I uploaded every day, I'm calling this one a win. 

A couple of the prompts were so hard to figure out what to post (e.g. Focus, Admire) but actually the hardest - and my least favourite photo from the challenge - was Neutral. I just didn't know what to take a photo of! It ended up being a very last minute post, and the temptation to delete it is strong.

My favourite photos (except the ones of Charlie) are easily Day 2: Words and Day 28: Forward! Flatlays are so not my forte but I am so happy with these two! I am feeling very proud of myself. I was surprised to find, however, that these weren't my most 'liked' photos from the challenge! The one with the highest amount of likes, with just under 50 likes was Day 9: Pink, closely followed by Day 4: Sparkle, Day 6: Shelf and Day 7: My Face all with 40+ likes!

I'm certainly in no rush to do another photo challenge, but it was as fun as it was stressful! I definitely want to try and be more creative with my photos next time though, as that's the point of me doing the challenge! It's definitely been eye-opening to see what kind of content my followers like from me, and it might just push me to try a little harder every time I post.

Have you tried one of Meggans challenges before? Or will you try a future challenge?

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