Monday, 1 March 2021

February Spending Ban Haul

I loved January's Spending Ban Haul post and found it quite insightful! So I figured I could make this a monthly thing until I get the hang of my spending ban properly...

In these posts I will only be talking about the items I bought, that weren't essential!
Previously, I had also included buying food and drink from the corner shop as "Can Spend/Buy" but then I realised I had spent £40 on utter crap within two weeks. So that shimmied over to the Can't Buy list (as of February 12th) especially once I got serious about losing weight!

So, let's see what I didn't need to buy this month...

Books £9.60
I may have broken my book buying ban slightly. I really got into self-help books last month, and bought How To Stop Feeling Like Shit on Kindle for £1.99 (reasonable) and The Minimalist Way on Kindle for £7.60 (not so reasonable.)

Gifts £45
One of the women who work in Charlie's nursery has left for a new job, and I couldn't help but buy her a small gift and a good luck card.
I also spent bought Josh and Charlie a couple of little something's, just because I can't help myself.

Gambling £17
I spent £15 on the lottery app (lottery tickets & instant win games) before I decided to ban myself from it. I do really want to win but I'm more likely to bankrupt myself first! I have now banned myself from logging into my account.
My sister-in-law is now a brand ambassador and sells magnetic fake eyelashes, among other things, and she had a raffle running. I didn't win, unfortunately...

Misc. £25

Hair dye
I did debate adding this one in. It wasn't either essential or something I would call a luxury. But it was definitely a spur-of-the-moment purchase. I'm really into keeping my hair looking nice lately and I haven't dyed it in such a long time - it was time to get rid of my extremely grown-out balayage! I went for Garnier's Iced Coffee Brown. Unfortunately it seemed like a total waste of money, and I wish I had just left it or dyed it black. I miss the salon...

I wanted us to have something different to do for Valentines Day. So, I bought a puzzle! It was literally two days before Valentines Day I had this bright idea, but luckily, I pay for Prime. Typically, we never got round to doing it.

Rounded up; I spent around £97 on unnecessary items. Pretty good improvement I'd say! I still definitely have a lot of work to do this month, and will be working on a plan to sort out my finances.

Until next time,
Saph x

1 yorum:

  1. This is a wonderful idea to do a monthly spending ban list. You did great!
