Friday 31 January 2020

January Recap & February Goals

January is finally over! I swear it lasted an eternity (why is January always the longest month?!) But the first month of 2020 is complete. It's been a pretty good start to the year for me. Josh and I have been on lots of adventures, including mine and Charlie's first trip to a trampoline park - which Charlie loved - and, just last weekend we all went to Howletts together.
I also made a good start on my years goals, and haven't done too badly on changing some of my worst habits.

My first goal for 2020 is to read 20 books, and I aimed to read 3 books throughout January, and also add £1-£2 into my savings per book. I managed it! My savings account is now £3 up and I'm a few days away from finishing my fourth book.

My second goal for the year is to wear dresses and skirts more often. I received six dresses and a skirt from Josh for Christmas, and I also have a fair few of each in my wardrobe already! I managed to wear a dress or skirt 6 days out of 31! Today, I'm actually wearing a skirt over a dress. It looks good, I promise! I did actually hope to wear them more often than I did, but there's always next month! 

Ten days into January, I also picked some of my worst habits to try and change. My main bad habit to change is to try and buy less "stuff." Specifically; clothes, makeup, books and fake nails. I have actually done really well! In the end, I did buy myself a new cardigan, a new skirt and a new notebook (£26 in total) but considering I have been eyeing up lots of jumpers and hoodies all month, I feel pretty pleased with myself for only two clothing purchases. Plus I feel I can be forgiven for the skirt, as it's literally my goal for the year to wear more. The notebook however...while technically not on my *do not buy* list, I definitely didn't need another one. But how could I resist when it's this beautiful?? 

I also want to drink less tea. On a bad day I can drink five or so sweet, milky teas. In the whole of January, I drank 10 teas! More than I was aiming for, but certainly less than I used to have! 

I feel I can put procrastinating/less time online into one paragraph really, they kind of go hand in hand. I started off fairly well. Then I installed TikTok. Enough said. But when I am trying to be productive and doing non-phone based things, I use my Forest app to keep me offline for a while. This month, I grew 22 trees, so I can't be doing too badly! 

February Goals

During February, I want to continue working hard on my habits and keeping track of my progress. This month I want to: 
  • Grow 40 trees on Forest
  • Drink 600ml of water every day
  • Read 3 books
  • Tick something off my Dorkface calendar

What are your goals for February?

Until next time,
Saph x

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